7.1.2 Creating an internal service

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Let’s deploy a Robot avatar creation service to use as the internal service.

The Deployment and Service look like so:

$ cd Chapter07/7.1_InternalServices/
$ kubectl create -f robohash-deploy.yaml
deployment.apps/robohash created
$ kubectl create -f robohash-service.yaml 
service/robohash-internal created

Wait for the Pods to become ready

kubectl get pods -w

Then try it out locally

kubectl port-forward service/robohash-internal 8080:80

Append a string to the URL like /william to generate a random robot

Example robot Example Robot (robot parts designed by Zikri Kader, assembled by Robohash.org, and licensed under CC-BY)

Next, we’ll use service discovery to use this internal service in our app.