11.1 Production and staging environments using namespaces

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kubectl create namespace staging
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=staging

Now we can create the Deployment, even if it already exists in the cluster in the default namespace

kubectl create -f Chapter03/3.2_DeployingToKubernetes

Compare the view of Pods from the current namespace (staging)

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
timeserver-f94cc5dd9-6b7lv   0/1     Pending   0          49s
timeserver-f94cc5dd9-jg47t   0/1     Pending   0          49s
timeserver-f94cc5dd9-kskkw   0/1     Pending   0          49s

To the default namespace

$ kubectl get pods -n default
redis-0   1/1     Running   0          38m
redis-1   1/1     Running   0          36m
redis-2   1/1     Running   0          35m